Tips for Core Web Vitals,Page Speed and SEO

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, Core Web Vitals have become a paramount consideration for web developers and SEO experts alike. These vitals significantly impact user experience and, consequently, your website’s position in search rankings. Understanding the Core Web Vitals: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Reflects the time taken for the main content to be visible […]

Fonts & Typography: An Artful Essence of Communication

While designing my websites I keep finding myself scrambling to find good fonts only to mostly use the same great ones I have found before. With efficiency in mind, here are some notes: At the crossroads of design and communication lies the world of typography. Typography is the craft of arranging type—essentially, the design of […]

WordPress: The All-Rounder in Web Development and E-commerce

In today’s digital landscape, establishing an online presence isn’t merely advantageous—it’s essential. From blogs to e-commerce storefronts and professional business sites, the platform you select can make or break your online venture. Enter WordPress. Sadly, it’s often underappreciated and pigeonholed as a mere “blogging platform.” Let’s set the record straight and delve into why WordPress […]