On fertile ground

You grow online


Website Design

The process of planning, creating, and arranging the visual and functional elements of a website. It involves a blend of aesthetics, usability, and performance to ensure an engaging and user-friendly online experience that aligns with the goals and identity of a brand or individual.


Website Development

The technical process of building a website or web application. It involves translating design into functional code, using programming languages, frameworks, and tools. It ensures that the site's features and interactivity work smoothly across various platforms and devices. It typically includes both front-end (user interface) and back-end (server, database) development.


Website Maintenance

The ongoing process of monitoring, updating, and managing a website to ensure its optimal performance, security, and user experience. This includes regular updates to content, fixing broken links or bugs, monitoring site speed, applying security patches, and making necessary improvements or enhancements based on user feedback and technological advancements.


Website Hosting

The service that provides the necessary infrastructure for a website or web application to be accessible on the Internet. It involves storing the website's files on servers, which are maintained and managed by hosting providers. These servers deliver the content to users' browsers when they request it through a web address.

Your vision

Our specialty


Not sure what type of website you need?

Check out the list below:

Blog or Personal Website:

An excellent choice for bloggers or individuals who want to share their thoughts, ideas, or experiences with the world.

Business Website:

 A great tool for small to large businesses. Its flexibility allows businesses to create a professional online presence and easily update content as needed.

E-Commerce Website:

Own an online stores where users can browse products, add to cart, and checkout right on the site.

News or Magazine Site:

Many news portals and magazines use websites to manage and display a large amount of content.

Portfolio Website: 

Artists, photographers, designers, and other creatives can use a website to showcase their work and provide contact information.

Educational Website:

Schools, universities, and e-learning platforms can use a website to create robust educational platforms, manage students, and even host online courses.

Real Estate or Listings Site:

Real estate agencies or classified ad businesses can use a website to list properties, services, or items for sale.

Custom Made Designs:


We need to talk about this. Lets chat.

Your needs might not fit into a predefined category. No worries. We are here to collaborate and craft solutions tailored to your unique requirements.

your business grows online 

when you plant digital seeds


Partnertship Mindset

We are in this together. I strive for win-win solutions, aligning my success with yours for mutual benefit.

Personal Commitment​

I will personally handle every detail of your project. Your trust in my services isn’t taken lightly.

High Standards​

Only use top tier tools to ensure a superior product.

User-Centric Design

Create websites that strike a balance between visual appeal and intuitive navigation, fostering an easy and engaging user experience.

All doors look the same

we can guide you


we can help you find the way


We meet and talk about your vision for the site and its purpose.

We collect all images, videos, marketing material and design guidelines you wish to incorporate.

We review inspiring websites the client likes.

We use all the above to  prepare a design proposal for the client.

All our websites have a “responsive” design. Meaning they should be equality performant on desktop, tablet and mobile.

Yes! please to check our portfolio section on this site.

Typically the client is happy to move to development after 2 or 3 revisions. There are no hard limits on this phase. It is crucial we are in complete agreement over what will be developed.

Each case is different and requires a set of tools that can best deliver results. 

Most clients will have their needs met using WordPress, so we will start with that. It is the undisputed leader with over 60% of existing websites using it. 

If needed, we can develop custom code, in which case the most likely option will be nodeJS + React, with a google firebase database.

We can discuss designing/developing Wix, Squarespace, etc. 

It depends on the complexity and urgency.

A simple website like a personal profile page with a simple blog could be up and running within a week.

A more complex site, like an e-commerce website with hundreds of products, payments, reviews, etc might require more than a month time.

With WordPress you will have access to your website back end and a user friendly interface to interact with the content. 

In agreement with the client, some parts can be locked from editing to ensure the client doesn’t “break” something unintentionally.

Domain: A domain name typically costs around $10 to $20 per year, although premium domains can be significantly more expensive.

Hosting: Hosting can range from $10 to $50+ per month. It depends on the website`s resource requirements.

Design: Costs for custom design can range from $500 to $5,000 or more, depending on the complexity and uniqueness of the design.

Development: Development costs typically range from $500 to $10,000 or more. Using pre-made themes and plugins can reduce costs, while custom development will increase them.

Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance can cost from $10 to $300+ per month, depending on the level of support, updates, and monitoring required.

Additional Costs: Consider other potential costs, such as premium plugins, security measures, SEO services, etc., which can add to the total.


Full Stack Web Developer. WordPress and popular CMS. Custom Code.

I am a versatile Full Stack Web Developer with background in AML compliance, consulting and entrepreneurship.

My background expands from management roles in AML compliance/KYC/Fraud at fortune 500 companies, to working at one of the big four consulting firms and even running a convenience store.

I transitioned to web development via the curriculum at the Odin Project under the watchful guidance of an expert mentor.

My unique profile of web developer combined with business experience leaves me positioned to grasp real-world business challenges and address them effectively with digital solutions.

Here’s a snapshot of my developer skills:

⚙ CMS: WordPress, WooCommerce, Wix, Squarespace, Shopify and more.
🎯 ️Full Stack Development Skills: React + Node.js and more.
💻 Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, VBA, C++ and more.
🔒 Databases: SQL, Firebase, MongoDB and more.


Max Fontaine